The Old Guard – A New Kind of Superhero Movie

The Old Guard isn’t your regular superhero movie, but it surely is not any lesser than our usual superhero movie. The story revolves around the 5 Immortal human beings who have been living on the earth for centuries saving innocent people across the globe. The movie will surely give you the reminiscence of Wonder Woman & Mad Max sort while watching Charlize Theron playing with her screen time. The characters who are not limited to any specific language or era, put a great show as each of them share their story living on earth.
The story starts with a military job which turns out to be ambush where Andy played by Charlize Theron, who originally lived as Andromache of Scythia is accompanied by Joe and Nicky a gay immortal couple who are together since Crusades, and Booker (Matthias Schoenaerts) who is the brain of the group. These immortals have been helping the world as private mercenaries, end up in an ambush in present-day Afghanistan, on a rescue mission set up by Merrick (Harry Melling) the head of a Pharmaceutical company with the help of a former CIA agent (Chiwetel Ejiofor) to reveal the truth.
As the team struggles to keep their identity hidden, they are introduced a new thread of problem, a new immortal being born Nile (Layne). As Andy tasked to find Nile with just vision from their heads, Nile keeps struggling with the reality but eventually becomes badass spurs as she moves along with Andy to meet the group.
Once the group unites, Nile’s struggles accompanied by group’s backstories in the middle of action sequences between immortal and private mortals who would do anything to find these immortals for their research. The chemistry between Andy and Nile will surely remind you of your connection with your granny, whereas these female superheroes will surely grip you to your screens and not just with their latex suits but with their actions and conversations.
Though the movie contains more dramatic sequences than most superhero movies, The Old Guard does portray exceptional combat scenes with good old action sequences. The cinematography of the movie is quite good as you can see some of the great sequences shot with night and inside rooms setups. This surely isn’t your body pilling, magic weapon sequences kind of a movie but surely some of the actions will bring chills to your body with a good punch like – go big or go home.
Cast: Charlize Theron, Kiki Layne, Matthias Schoenaerts, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Luca Marinelli, Marwan Kenzari
Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood
Rating: 3/5