What Happens To Mon Mothma’s Husband & Daughter After Andor?

Andor season 1, episode 5 gives more insight into Mon Mothma’s family tension, but exactly what happens to Mon Mothma’s husband and daughter after Andor remains unclear. Andor is future rebel leader Mon Mothma’s first live-action appearance since Rogue One (2016) and the first time that the rebellious Senator’s family has been explored on screen. In the show, Mon Mothma interacts with both her husband Perrin, and her daughter Leida, and neither appears to be supportive of her, deepening the contradiction around their fate.
Andor episode 5 depicts a brief breakfast scene with Mon Mothma and her family. The scene improves the divide between the Senator and her right-wing husband, while also establishing a rift between Mon and her daughter, Leida. Leida appears to be siding with her father in this domestic civil war, as she openly defies her mother and questions whether her actions are out of care or if they are for political appearances. This range could be setting up the future of the family’s characters, as well as Mon Mothma’s future in the Star Wars universe. As a result, what transpires to Mon Mothma’s husband and daughter after Andor is potentially very significant.
Is Mon Mothma’s Husband Mentioned Again In Canon?
Mon Mothma’s Husband
There is no mention of Perrin in any other Star Wars Canon and very little is mentioned of him in Star Wars Legends material either, which could indicate two different ways that the Andor show could go with the character. The first route could be that Mon Mothma will leave Perrin behind so that she can focus on creating the rebellion and Perrin can silently disappear back into the Star Wars universe never to be learned from again. However, a much more interesting route that Andor is teasing could be that Mon Mothma and Perrin will end up working against each other on opposing sides of the war. Mon Mothma and her rebel allies on one side and Perrin on the Empire’s side. Perrin’s story might be that of an original character in the show, or he could be revealed to be replenishing the role of another character from Star Wars canon.
What We Know About Mon Mothma’s Daughter In Canon & Legends
Mon Mothma looking to the side
Mon Mothma’s daughter, Leida, does have more of a presence in at least the Legends material. Not that much more is known about Leida’s character, but it is made known in Legends that Leida is still with her mother at the end of the Civil War. It is unclear if Andor will take the same approach to Leida’s tale, as it appears she would much rather be with her father in the show. It is unlikely that Leida will remain by her mother’s side while Mon Mothma builds the Rebel Alliance. However, it is possible that Andor could be stirring Leida’s story into her brother’s.
Mon Mothma Also Had A Son In Legends (Who Was Killed By Darth Vader)
Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma in Rogue One A Star Wars Story
One character who is more prominently known in Star Wars Legends is Mon Mothma’s son, Jobin, who has not appeared in Andor. In Legends, Jobin is killed by Darth Vader at the Battle of Hoth. Andor could be saving Jobin for a later impression but might also be blending the story into Leida’s. Leida dying at the hands of the Empire could be a catalyst for Mon Mothma fully converting to a military leader for the rebellion and opposing her husband, Perrin.
With very little known about Mon Mothma’s family in both Canon and Legends, Andor is likely taking a new approach to the characters’ stories. It remains to be seen whether Mon’s husband and daughter will stand in opposition to the senator or if either will join Mon Mothma as she leads the rebellion. It will be interesting to see how Andor will continue to explore the character of Mon Mothma and her familial tensions going forward.