The Invitation- It’s Not There But Still Behind You


Some things are imaginary but they sometimes suppress us to believe it and bind it up with reality! 

Storyline – The story begins with an ongoing life of Evie. But her life suddenly comes to a roller coaster  track when she finds out a DNA test report with a conclusion of revealing of her step brother. She meets  him and gets an invitation to a royal family function by him. But isn’t it quite weird? An invitation in the  first meet! After a hesitation Evie agrees to attend the function.  

Now here the main plot of the story begins. Evie gets fascinated while arriving on the location and gazes  at the lavish mansion. Everything goes well until she begins with the same psychological imagination  habit of hers. Rethink a little thing for long, takes her under super ups and downs during the story. 

She wants to leave the place as the event was done all over but everyone there was extremely weird  and stopping her to do so. Claiming that as her own home, the family members didn’t let Evie to leave. 

She has harassed by one of the relative, had nightmares endlessly but couldn’t escape. This is all how  the story sets a vision whether Evie will get out of this and if yes, how? 

Review – The film has a good storyline with appropriate direction. The characters gulped by the actors  accordingly with the script truly suits the tale. We’ll, it’s a bit of psychology related thriller film which  need to looked with utmost attention. There are no such comic to lighten up but if you are interested in  approach towards psychological interest, Then it’s a good watch.

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