The 10 Most Gruesome Deadpool Deaths

With Deadpool 3on the perimeter, several fans are eager to see where the Deadpoolfranchise goes now that it’s owned by Disney. The R-rated movies are known and loved for their extreme violence, profanity, and overall vulgarity. Deadpool himself is a refreshing take on upstanding superheroes as an inappropriate and almost immature antihero.
Some of the sword-wielding mercenary’s best kills are uncensored and graphically bloody and gory, which can occasionally be both unnerving for viewers as well as interesting. Deadpool himself is harmed in various ways that would be deadly if not for his regenerative powers but never fails to induce a wince from the audience.
Highway Road Sign
The beginning of Deadpool begins with a bang, showcasing the main character in a brawl on the highway in the investigation of a man named Francis. In this scene, Deadpool kills at least about fifteen men, but what can be deemed one of the most gruesome and iconic deaths is a man who gets flipped out of a car, hits a road sign, and explodes into chunks.
This is a great way to start the film as it shows the viewer what they’re getting into and allows them to get conditioned to the gore. This death is a fan favorite due to the hilarity of the audible “splat” of the man when he lands.
Highway Kebab
This death marks the end of the infamous highway opening scene as Deadpool uses the two daggers from his back to impale a man running toward him. The movie then freeze-frames on Deadpool lifting the man above his head in a victorious pose where the viewer can visibly see the swords jutting out of the body.
This action scene reveals a lot about Deadpool’s personality. Throughout the fight, viewers can see how Deadpool is gleeful at his kills and takes them lightly, even using the time to show off and look cool. This immediately establishes the movie to be different from other superhero movies, as Deadpool is quite willing to kill for what he wants.
Deadpool Impaled
In this scene, the mercenary angrily fights Francis after setting the laboratory on fire. While he’s down, Francis stabs a pipe through Deadpool’s body with a very visible spray of blood, and then he bends a hook at the end.
This scene is both emotionally and physically difficult for the main character, and it’s one of the only scenes throughout the movie that is more serious rather than humorous. Not only has Deadpool been bested by Francis, who has tortured and disfigured him, but he is also left for a long and painful death, as he has yet to know the full extent of his regenerative powers. For Deadpool, at this moment, this is the end.
Stabbed Through The Neck
An orphanage worker lies on the ground with blood on his face.
In Deadpool 2, Deadpool and his friends Cable and Domino fight against the abusive orphanage staff. One of the members slips on a stand and falls to the ground, accidentally stabbing himself through the neck with his knife.
This scene is significantly less gory than others due to its very little blood, yet it is still gruesome as the sound effects and response from the man induce feelings of the injury in viewers themselves. This accidental death just goes to show how inexperienced the orphanage staff are in fighting and provides some ironic humor that is quite satisfying to see.
Mass Murder In Bar
At the beginning of Deadpool 2, Deadpool gives an iconic monologue and then drops into a skyscraper in Hong Kong and kills all the members in the bar to the soundtrack of “9 to 5” by Dolly Parton. These skills are exceptionally gory as he slices off many hands and heads and even stabs his sword directly into a man’s bald scalp.
These scenes only further prove Deadpool’s insane talent and skill, as he can take on a huge amount of opponents with very minimal damage to himself. Viewers are introduced to what Deadpool has been up to, and the ease with which he kills these dangerous criminals and murderers only further cement his status as an antihero.
Deadpool In The Bathhouse
After Deadpool’s first mass murder in the opening scene, viewers are then shown a montage of more of his mass murders throughout other countries. One of them includes Deadpool fighting at a bathhouse where he slices off many limbs, including knees and arms, and watchers can see the victims desperately moving without their appendages.
This scene is particularly painful to watch because of all the extra flopping arms and legs. Additionally, Deadpool calls for a time-out to rinse the “bad guy blood” out of his eye that he calls “gross,” which is both funny but also helps humble and humanize the character who is so effortlessly killing all his enemies.
Death By Helicopter
In Deadpool 2, Deadpool organizes his team called the X-Force, who all jump out of a plane by parachute to “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC. One of the members named Shatterstar, who is also an alien, gets his parachute tangled in the blades of a helicopter and dies, getting his green blood and long hair splattered everywhere.
Although Shatterstar was not human, his death was brutal nonetheless due to his gross remnants left behind. Shatterstar’s body is even shown being whipped around the helicopter blades, which portrays the greatness of the special effects team. The horror shown by the pilot and the passengers of the helicopter is an exceptionally funny addition to the already entertaining scene.
Death By Wood Chipper
Zeitgeist is another member of the X-Force who was known for his ability to expel acidic vomit from his mouth. He dies after landing his parachute inside of a wood chipper, which then ejects his bloodied shredded bits. Even Deadpool himself is grossed out and almost throws up.
The quick and unexpected deaths of essentially the entire X-Force team that was introduced only minutes earlier is a great gag skillfully set up by the producers and never fails to make viewers laugh. It pokes fun at the common trope of a super team in other movies like Justice League and The Suicide Squad but gives it its unique twist.
Deadpool Ripped In Half
In this scene, Deadpool meets the Juggernaut, who decides to help Russell kill the orphanage headmaster. Not only is this scene extremely funny due to Deadpool’s immediate delight at the sight of the giant, but then the Juggernaut grabs the awed fan and effortlessly rips him in half.
Although Deadpool is not killed, the action itself is extremely violent and gory, as it displays Deadpool’s separate halves and the spray of blood and intestines. It says a lot about Deadpool’s character that he’s more concerned about Russell than his separated body. Later, this gives way to an iconic and priceless scene showing Deadpool’s adult half with his regrowing baby legs.
Run Over By Dopinder
At the end of Deadpool 2, Russell redeems himself by choosing not to kill the abusive headmaster. But then, to the shock of both the characters and the audience, the headmaster is run over by Dophinder’s taxi cab with a wild spray of blood. The deafening silence after the death is hilarious.
This scene is very violent, but that is overlooked by Dopinder’s extreme excitement. It’s great to see this very ordinary man that viewers can relate to becoming the hero of the story. Many fans love Dopinder’s character for both the comedic relief he provides and his unmatching loyalty to Deadpool no matter what the circumstances. It’s a suitable and satisfying ending to the movie.