Netflix Introduces ‘Profile Transfer ‘ Making Experience More Subtle For It’s Users


In the continuous changes of life where people are temporary, family branches new shoots, relationship
ends, your Netlfix experience should stay unaffected, it’s new feature, Profile Transfer is launched by
Netflix that tends to enhance your experience by- keeping the personalized recommendations, viewing
history, my list, saved games and other settings – when they begin with their own membership.
This new feature will globally be on mode from October 17, 2022.
Users will be notified by email as soon as Profile Transfer gets active on your account. 
To transfer a profile, go to the “Transfer Profile” option when you swirl over your profile icon
located in the dropdown menu on the homepage — then simply follow the instructions.
You can always turn off Profile Transfer in your account settings at any time and do this
accordingly as per your call.
No matter what’s going on, let your Netflix profile be a constant in a life full of changes so you can sit back,
relax and continue watching right from where you left off without letting any mess suffer your

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