Judgement At Nuremberg Gives A Shiver To Audience With It’s Historical Storyline


“Judgment at Nuremberg” is a powerful and mind blowing drama that puts a limelight to the history it shows– the Nuremberg Trials. This masterpiece of 1961 shows the hurdles of justice, morality and the responsibility of individuals during times of war and mass atrocities.

The story has background showing the trials of four German judges who were accused of crimes against humanity during Nazi movement in Germany. The film majorly focused on Ernst Jagging who was illuminated by his actions in the jury. The film follows and shows the impactful message for loosing humanity and strictly sticking to the orders from higher positions.

Stanley Kramer’s direction maintains a wholesome balance between the legal proceedings and the emotional weight of the story. The courtroom scenes and the tension clashes between lawyers and judges and witnesses are perfectly showcased that shows how fine the movie was created with utmost perfection.

Looking at the characters portrayed by respective actors in the movie are mind blowing. Spencer Tracy in and as the conflicted Judge Haywood gives a tough impression with his acting. Whereas, Lancaster showcases his incredible range as the complex Ernst Janning effortlessly conveying both regret and defiance.

The film’s cinematography and production radiates more influence among the audience to the post-World War II era. The black and white cinematography adds a real-time historical touch to it as well.

This, “Judgment at Nuremberg” is an emotionally charged and stimulating film focusing on the moral complexities surrounding the Nuremberg Trials. With its historical and shivering history, production and direction, the film stands as a timeless exploration of morality accountability and is truly a must watch.

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