Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Waves It’s Journey At Oscar 2023


Chadwick Boseman portrayed one of the most iconic role of the Marvel Comic Series, Black Panther. The epitome of character was narrated as King T’challa of Wakanda. The movie pays a tribute to Chadwick Boseman after his demise from colon cancer. 

Action, Emotion and Direction makes this movie a masterpiece and leads it to the list of Oscar nominations. 

Looking at the script, it seems impossible to initiate and end up a story without the main character, but Ryan Coogler has proved this wrong by bringing this blockbuster to the screens. The story follows it’s track by introducing a new superhero to protect their nation and resources, Princess Shuri. Shuri being the younger sibling of king T’challa undergoes the rituals of becoming a warrior to protect her nation and prove that Wakanda still stands still without their king in the entire world. The dialogue from the Queen of personifying Wakanda as the most powerful nation in the world bring chills to the viewers and the storyline. 

The movie showcased the king’s demise as his suffering of an illness which leads to his death even after extreme trials made by his sister to save him. An emotional track touches the audience when Shuri believes in curing her brother with the heart shaped herb but knows about his demise from the Queen. The turning hero of nation, princess Shuri as Black Panther gives the right direction to the ending up of the sequel and manages to be in the books of good critics in terms of ratings. 

Coming to the tribute, the movie also showcases the death scene of Chadwick Boseman as King T’challa who fought and died in a war. The heartwarming scene shows all rituals of biding him a final goodbye by his family of Wakanda. Things are picturized in normal terms by introducing Shuri as the new rules to the throne and this adds more sensation among the Marvel fans. 

The entire cast was perfectly molded into the character assigned to them. From the imagery of a king , Boseman ideally fitted into the role. Looking at the character of Queen Ramonda, Angela Basett illuminated a perfect choice for the role by showcasing grace, dignity, power and intelligence in her role with dialogue deliveries best suited to her. Shuri, the current main character done by Letitia Wright takes the track of movie smoothly from a young immature sibling to a fighter healing from circumstances and fighting back.

The action scenes in the movie brings goosebumps to the audience whereas the snaps of King T’challa’s memories adds intense emotion to the watch. Being a perfect blend of action, drama, power and heroism the movie got nominated for the Oscars in California by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

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