Anne Hathaway and Octavia Spencer to star in ‘The Witches’

The new adaptation of Roald Dahl classic that takes place in 1960s Alabama, wherein a young boy (Jahzir Bruno) and his grandmother while on the vacation encounter coven of witches. The witches led by the high witch (Anne Hathaway) are working on their evil plan of turning children into mice and to stop them the boy and his grandmother (Octavia Spencer) must team up to stop the witches.
The recently released trailer of the movie shows a ton of talent on the screen to make this a good movie. The film surely has skipped theatre release but now it surely will premiere on the streaming service HBO Max on October 22nd.
The movie is directed by Oscar-winner, Robert Zemeckis well known for Forrest Gump, The Polar Express, and Back to the Future who is ready to bring a fresh sense of humor. The plot is a tale of a young boy who stumbles on a secret witch and tries to stop them from turning all children into mice with the help of his loving grandmother.
The movie presents an incredible team including Stanley Tucci, Kristin Chenoweth in supporting roles and a team of filmmakers such as Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro, and Kenya Barris.