No Way Home: Why Doctor Strange Seems Off In The Spider-Man Trailer

The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer stars a different Doctor Strange compared to his trip in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Introduced in Scott Derrickson’s 2017 MCU film, Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch’s superhero has only appeared in four movies thus far. That said, he’s bound to be one of the most important players in Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 4 as the franchise fully analyzes the multiverse.
2018’s Infinity War was the first time Strange made his existence known in the larger MCU as he teamed up with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland) in bringing the fight to Thanos (Josh Brolin) on Titan. While he was among half of the galaxy who died via the snap, he was instrumental in setting the Avengers’ plan in motion, assuring that they would eventually win and take down the Mad Titan. He was able to peek into the future and see the likely consequences of the conflict. Five years later, he and the rest of the decimation victims were refunded in Endgame just in time to help in the fight against the purple sinner and his minions.
Strange worked as the religious leader of sorts for the Avengers during the attack; he was the only one, aside from Thanos’ favourite daughter Gamora (Zoe Saldana), who was able to dispute the legality of the Mad Titan’s plans. As someone who knew what lay ahead, he emitted logic and wisdom. So, it’s a bit jarring to see him brazenly conduct a dangerous spell to help Peter in the new Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer despite Wong’s (Benedict Wong) stern warning. The fact that he walked back on his word shortly after pledging his dependence that he won’t take the risk makes him much worse as it underscores how he has no issues lying. Then again, looking at Strange’s attitude, his actions in the upcoming Jon Watts-directed flick is character. He has always had an air of arrogance in him; his disaster and time at Kamar-Taj was a humbling knowledge, but he maintained his intention to push the thresholds when it comes to his skill. At one point in the Doctor Strange movie before perishing to Dormammu, Stange’s interest got the better of him and he decided to try using the Eye of Agamotto with a magic spell from the Book of Cagliostro. He wielded time on an apple, taking it backwards and forward, and breaking multiple rules in the process. If it wasn’t for Wong and Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) stopping him, he could’ve always damaged the fabric of reality.
Doctor Strange theory multiverse of madness encouraged by Infinity War
One of the reasons why Strange seemed to be tame in Infinity War is because he was teamed up with Tony Stark, who’s also very aggressive. Throw in Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) who also inclines to run his mouth and the Russo Brothers needed to assure that it’s not just a contest of ego among them. In the end, they decided to restrain the wizard; that doesn’t mean, however, that he lost his sense of arrogance. In No Way Home, Peter needs Strange’s help, and since he’s partnered up with a fairly reasonable character in the web-slinging hero, his overconfidence shines through. Perhaps the fact that the Avengers were able to defeat the MCU’s biggest threat yet thus far in Thanos fueled his ego into thinking that he can be bolder with his experimentations. Peter’s plea for help may have rationalized him to conduct the difficult spell. For what it’s worth, Wong’s announcements made it seem like he knew that Strange has long wanted to enforce the said incantation. Unfortunately this time, no one is there to stop him from making such a grave mistake leading to the multiverse glancing like it’s being opened up.
Based on the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer, Strange’s incantation doesn’t go to schedule. Part of it is Peter intervening while he was casting the spell, which understandably disheartens the sorcerer. But frankly, he started the whole commotion. Had he listened to Wong’s caution and waited true to his promise, their upcoming problems about the multiverse being violence wouldn’t exist.