James Gunn Discussed Guardians Of The Galaxy Spin-Off Ravagers: “I Don’t Know What Happened”

GOTG spin off

A ton is waiting on the other side of the shaft from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only the stand-alone flicks, but a lot of phase 4 is also committed to episodic shows, and they are surprisingly operating more than expected. So now, if the department decides to make more of them, it should not amaze people when James Gunn confirms that he has an idea for a Ravagers spin-off and that he has already turned it in.

Exciting enough? Wait, we have more. For the highest time since Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 hit shores, the end credits instructed Sylvester Stallone’s Stakar Ogord with Michael Rosenbaum’s Martinex, Ving Rhames’ Charlie-27, Miley Cyrus’ Mainframe and Michelle Yeoh’s Aleta Ogord. Fans have been expecting to analyze their destiny and it seems like James Gunn now has an idea. Read on to understand everything you should about the same, and what Gunn has to say.

If you are oblivious, the Marvel studio has already verified that there are two Guardians Of The Galaxy already going on. With the Holiday Special arriving next year and the animated series, I Am Groot in development, we possess a lot of GOTG content continuing for us on the other side. Now, if We Got This Covered is to be understood, James Gunn is opening up about the Ravagers show that he has been scheduling for the longest.

“I always believed The Ravagers would be a great show. Whether that was with Sly Stallone’s Ravagers or more in-depth with just the raiders and what they were doing. I told Kevin Feige that when he first attended the set when we were on the Ravagers ship for Guardians 1. I said, ‘We should make a Ravagers show’. He said, ‘If this movie’s a hit you can do whatever you like. Still, no Ravagers show, so I don’t know what happened,” said James Gunn.

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